This morning about 1.30am,
I just finished watching Code Geass R2 - Lelouch of the Rebellion
This Anime isn't bad!!
Moreover, I LOVE this anime♥
Code Geass ,
Code Geass R2Creaeted by:
SunriseDirected by:
Taniguchi GoroWritten by:
Okouchi IchiroCharacter Design:
CLAMPMain Character:
Lelouch Lamperouge (Lelouch Vi Britania)
Kururugi Suzaku
Kallen Stadtfeld (Kallen Kouzuki)

I once said I like Lelouch more instead of Suzaku..
But I can't tell what is it? makes me like Lelouch more..
Although Suzaku resembles Syaoran..
However, there's something different..
and there's something similar between Syaoran and Lelouch..
and that's the thing I stated Syaoran as my most Favourite Character!
I just don't know how to explain it..
And NOW, FINALLY!! I know what's the reason!!
The characteristics that makes Syaoran and Lelouch similar!!
The Strong Will against their wish!
No matter what, they'll do anything to archieve their goals!
As for their precious ones, they'll protect them even if the price is painful!
Charles Di Britannia chose the PAST;
Schneizel El Britannia chose the PRESENT;
I, Lelouch Vi Britannia chose the FUTURE!
The ending is really touching!!
although it seems sad, it can also be said as a happy ending..
Doushite? Tatte, Minna waratteiru!!Everyone didn't stuck in the past, yet moving forwards to their future!
**Don't be STUCK in your PAST;
**Do your BEST in the PRESENT;
**Always Look Forward to the FUTURE, and Move Forwards!