Saturday, February 13, 2010

~First of all~
My mom has agreed to let me join HAPCHO♥
I'm so happy!!!!! Arigatou! Oka-san!!!

I went to school at 10am for Marching Practice again..
also can be said, preparation before the opening ceremony :)

:: Before Opening Ceremony ::
we wore our Marching outfits and prepare ourselves in front of the Science Lab..
White Gloves & Shinny Caps were distributed to us..
Sunblock were nearly finish too xD

Advices were given by Marching Leader, Kelvin Lu..
and also 'fake commander', Chong Chen Yow..
Took photos too^^

:: Opening Ceremony ::
Photos were not taken during Opening Ceremony for marching,
'cuz photographers cannot take.. with such a Long~ distance...
but Dancing of course do!!


:: Free Time ::
Nic brought the Code Geass Artbook!!
We went to the hall, and I look through the Artbook..
OMG!!! it's too awesome!!!! I love♥ it very much <3
Especially Lelouch♥

My church friends from Kian Kok came to my school..
and I was like a tourist guide guiding them..
and kept searching for friends, former school friends ;D
[I miss Code Geass Artbook :( I haven't finish viewing the Artbook...]
until when I wanna go to the Yellow Camp House cheer..
it's already time to prepare for Closing Ceremony :(
Regret that I didn't cheer in the house camp TT____TT Gomenasai!!

:: Before Closing Ceremony ::
the events over earlier than we thought so we have to prepare earlier..
Closing Ceremony... INFORMAL!!!! yeahhh!!!
change change change..
then Kelvin Lu thought of a SPECIAL 'hormat' xD

:: Closing Ceremony ::
These were our changes before the ceremony :D
Prize Giving Ceremony!!!!!! Excited!!!

When they announce: "Marching Champion goes to.... Yellow House!!!"
Look at our Senpais^^

:: After Closing Ceremony ::
Taking PhotosSssSsss~~~~
"You guys did it!!!!
Come! Come! Come! Gather!!!!
Get your GOLD MEDAL!!!"

The cute side of our Senpais.. haha :D

Promise from our 'fake commander'
"I'll bumping 30 times if you guys get 1st!!"

Yellow House +2010+ Marching

I was too happy until I jumped this High xD

Every House's Leader!!!! Say Cheese ;D

Yellow House's Captains & Vice Captains..
& S3Zhong's Homeroom Teacher!

The BEST Male Athlete - Krishen Chin

My proudest photo!!! haha :D
Best Male Athlete - Krishen Chin & Marching Senpai - Kimberly Chin
with their family and Bryan ;D

Yellow House! Victory!!!!

自分の未来を 信じてる! @
1:55 PM